The absolute state of our Union.

The Unparliamentary Fug
2 min readMay 13, 2021

Apparently ‘devoscepticism’ is re-emerging amongst unionists (small “u” — not the Orangemen) like an alcoholic wakes up after a blackout; dazed and confused, uncertain of the future or the immediate past, all he has is a horrible feeling that something bad has happened but no idea what. All I can say is that it’s about time it got up and went to work.

The end result of Scottish and Welsh devolution was always abundantly clear, except to the hubristic children in New Labour who implemented it. Equally predictable has been the result of constant retreat in the face of Separatist demands — more money, more powers, they scream, like a spoilt toddler with ice cream. If only its parents would finally snap and drown it in the bath.

Now Wales (under the Labour Party, for God’s sake) is following where the SNP has led. The United Kingdom is not a “voluntary association,” whatever Mark Drakeford might wish to believe, but a sovereign nation state and it’s about time that somebody stood up for it. While I don’t think it would really help the situation, part of me likes the image of Nicola Sturgeon going through Traitor’s Gate, after calling a wildcat referendum.

The real danger in my mind is not so much separatist feeling in Scotland, but that the English really do snap and decide to drown them in the bath.

The only hope is that this government does something more substantial about the Union than “love-bombing” while Westminster can still maintain some kind of control — but I won’t hold my breath.



The Unparliamentary Fug

Opionated ranting on politics, economics and current affairs. Discussion by email welcome.